Camping officially renamed as 'divorce in a bag'

It follows recent domestic problems as couples struggle to pitch their tents

The outdoor pastime of camping is to be officially renamed as 'divorce in a bag'.

It follows recent domestic problems as couples struggle to pitch their tents.

Camper Dennis Wideface told GrumpyFuckers:

"It's the wife's fault. She thinks she knows how to get a tent up when in fact, it's only us men who know how to get a tent up. On our recent camping holiday, I would have had the tent up in ten minutes. However, my wife decided that I needed to follow the instructions and the thing took 4 days to erect. These women think that they know it all."

His wife Debbie said:

"It's all the husband's fault. He thinks he knows how to get a tent up when in fact, it's actually us women who can think things through logically and get it done. On our recent camping holiday, I would have had that tent up in 10 minutes but my dickhead husband decided not to read the instructions so it took us 4 days. These men think that they know it all."

5 year old son Jimmy added:

"Can I have something to eat please?"